Glancing back, looking forward ....

Looking back on 2020, we realize how, in many ways, it was a year like none of us had ever experienced before. The arrival of COVID-19 dramatically altered life for students, teachers and communities around the world.

Schools in the countries where C4A works were all temporarily closed as governments struggled with how to cope with the pandemic. With no government funding, teachers were not paid, causing added stress to communities. Throughout this time, school communities stayed positive doing what they could to support each other. There are examples of schools reaching out to students at home by delivering printed materials to them. Others started small farming projects to provide food for the neediest.

By September, schools were starting to reopen at least for some of the grades. Thanks to the generosity of C4A supporters, we were able to provide small grants to allow schools to purchase the supplies and equipment needed to meet the government requirements for reopening.

At the start of the 2021 school year, only those students in the grades required to write state examinations returned to school. Within the last few days most countries have outlined plans for allowing all students back to school.

Once again, we want to thank our donors for their support. Your level of commitment to helping needy schools in Africa has encouraged and challenged us to continue to work with these communities to provide permanent classrooms.

During 2020 we were able to provide grants for the construction and furnishing of the equivalent of over 56 classrooms. While most of this funding was for regular classrooms, the number does include two high school science blocks, a 100-student dormitory, two multipurpose halls, as well as much needed administration - office space at four of the schools.

In addition, we funded the construction kitchens, rainwater harvesting systems, a water-well and pit latrines. Also in 2020, 19 additional classrooms were started scheduled for completion in early 2021. Most of the schools we have worked with over the past year are in Uganda, but at present we also have projects being built in Malawi, South Africa and DRC.

We are looking forward to 2021 and with the help of our donors, being able to continue to encourage and support those seeking to provide quality Christian education in their communities in Africa. Thank you, donors, for your loyal support during a difficult year!

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